Last night I had happened to come across The Alma Awards. Trust that I'm not using the words come across lightly, my viewing was purely accidental. As it happens my husband is an avid MSNBC watcher and as he turned to check on some news broadcast he "came across" Aimee Garcia and David Zayas (Jamie and Batista from Dexter fame) accept an award. Because of my love for Dexter he felt compelled to yell from the bedroom and have me turn to MSNBC. By the time I got to the show it was probably about an hour in. Now I can rant and rave about how I find it unusual that an awards show honoring the achievement of Latinos who are the majority minority of this country is scheduled for a Friday night on a cable news network is besides me. I guess The Almas does not have enough of a perceived viewership to have an ABC, CBS, NBC or hell even Fox time slot. But enough said, we shouldn't be surprised since this is what we're use to with the NAACP Image Awards; it's always a shock that its on, smh..........
But nonetheless I watched and here's my commentary. First of all I like to view these shows to see the hidden Latinos, you know the "Martin Sheen's". These are the ones that we had no idea they were Hispanic until their either presenting and start to really use those "R's" or receiving an award. It kills me how they tote race pride yet in any Entertainment Tonight interview you'll never hear Viva La Raza! But now all of sudden your abuelita Esmeralda was your inspiration, just shoot me now. Before we load the gun, let's move on to the next "Oh my goodness" moment.
During the after show, yes they really had a after show, I guess they're modeling the BET Awards concept. But during this "insightful" telecast we had the privilege of hearing from the President of National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Janet Murguia who boasted the achievement of Hispanics in which it has taken them 20 years to be recognized in the arts. Anyone reading the last sentence should be doing the Scooby Doo screech or at the very least a raised eyebrow. 20 years, Janet WTF are you talking about? Your statement probably has Desi Arnez, Ricardo Montalban, Cesar Romero turning in their graves. Furthermore, do you know anything about Cheeta Rivera or Rita Moreno? Hell The Almas had an Anthony Quinn award. Again, WTF are you talking about? Did you forget about Freddie Prinze ala Chico and The Man, and as one of my besties noted, the theme song was by Jose Feliciano. I'm not sure if Janet meant a particular sector of Hispanics haven't been recognized, but as far as I know The Almas is for all comprising of the Latino race, not just a mere sector! What made this more profound is no one on the "panel" corrected her. Which made me say WTF have y'all been in the last 20 years? Janet's statement made me think and I'm going in here, the Gays, always talking about secluded abuse. Really!?!?! Granted at times it may have happened but you damm well know it isn't the same. Hispanics has not nor will ever be completely shut out, but yet they will shut out others.

If you don't believe me just like look at the Little Miss Hispanic pageant in Delaware in which officials stripped a mini me Blacktina because she wasn't latino enough.
Read on if you want clarification.
But here Janet and others on the panel want to cry the woo is me unfair scenario. Before you whine I suggest you get your shit in order and recognize your inner racisms, and maybe then your achievements will be more profound. Until you get right and clean up your own house don't expect the rest of us to visit.
And lastly, does the iPad have a timer? If so, Rosario Dawson needs to use it. I'm sure her speech was probably riveting but who the hell would know since she spoke so damm much and too damm fast. That was just RIDICULOUS, sort of like the show, the time frame and the commentary! Just realized there's my answer, no wonder why it was on MSNBC, LOL.
Peace Out,
Janet MurguĂa,
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