Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Say it So, Joe

OMG, Black America WTF up!!!! Joe Biden is being dragged through black media because he told Charlamagne self-proclaimed the God, “if you vote for Trump you ain’t black” Guess what, he’s fucking right!!!! How hypocritical of all those in black media blasting Biden on the pretense that he takes the black vote for granted, yet how many of us have seen that “Black Plant” in all the Trump rallies and we have echoed the same sentiment.

Like many in our community, I REQUEST of our leaders to take our vote seriously, but I be damn if I let an interview on a pop culture show, with a Stephen A host replica aka Charlemagne, a bragger, DJ Envy, and a self-indoctrinated therapist, Angela Yee (who I like BTW) determine should Joe get my vote or not. If he doesn’t, who gets it, Trump, or are we going be like those salty Bernie voters and just don’t come out at all. Haven’t we learned our lesson from the last time!?!?!?!

Another thing, stop pressuring Biden to get a black women VP candidate. He would surely lose this election if he does, or if he wins, nothing will be done because those former Dixiecrats' who are now Republicans won’t do shit with him.  We have to face reality, it’s about the lesser of two evils, and right now Trump wins at being the evilest, but he also wins because no matter what he does, he has a dedicated base. While we’re busy commentating, and writing articles about how WRONG Joe is, and possibly influencing where our vote or to vote should go. His base still thinks COVID 19 is a hoax, why, cause he told them; they refuse to wear a mask, why, cause he doesn’t, and are probably drinking Clorox, why, cause he told them; that’s DEDICATION to the max, albeit stupid, but nonetheless DEDICATION!  One thing I give to those damn Republicans, Trump could rape their daughter, take a shit on their desk, and they’ll still stand behind him, while we pout about Biden saying what we all feel; it’s like the word Nigger, he’s not allowed, give me a fucking a break!

Those in the media who have this platform, I beg of you to be careful, some things needs attention, and sometimes we just got to roll, and suspend on being the party of division.  I urge you and all those who have the responsibility of being woke, please don’t give this any legs.

Stay Safe, Peace Out,

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

White People Stop Telling Me Racism is Over!

If I sit in Starbuck’s too long, the police is called on me for loitering. Yet, YOU, white people can walk into a Subway restaurant armed with assault missiles, not just guns, we’re talking some war shit, and NOTHING happens to you, not even a talk to disband, a citation, NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH.  Hell, they were even served a sandwich, WTF!?!?!?!

And, you have the nerve to keep telling us, we need to get over slavery, or the succeeding dysfunction. You will NEVER EVER have the ingenuity of insight to just recognize, you’re some fucked up people. You LOVE being white cause you can get away with shit like this, all day, every day.  If you think I’m crazy, just look at the record. For chagrins I’ll give you my top 5, but hell you know the real number has plenty of zeros following:

1.     Emmitt Till killed for whistling, looking or speaking to a white woman (who lied), whatever it was he wasn’t supposed to be near her.

2.     Trayvon Martin was walking in his neighborhood, and was killed by George Zimmerman a neighborhood watch toy cop.  His reason, Trayvon looked suspicious because he wore a hoody.

3.     Philando Castile was asked for his license and registration, as he reached for it he was shot to death in front of his 4 year old daughter. The officer thought he was getting something else, but asshole you asked him to reach for his info, WTF!?!?!

4.     George Stinney Jr., at the age of fourteen was the youngest person executed in the United States. He was charged with double murder, with no evidence, other than he was black and two little white girls had been murdered.

5.     Mary Lynch, in 1918 she was lynched, doused with gasoline, set on fire, and if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s the WORST part, she was pregnant. The mob tore through her abdomen, took out the baby and a WHITE man of course, stomped the fetus twice, and killed it.

You may say some of these top 5’s were a century ago, but here’s the real KILLER, the same shit can happen today with the same outcome, we’re hunted and YOU WHITE person have no retribution. So, please stop telling me there’s no racism, REALLY. Whenever you feel the urge just read this, and look at the video that surfaced on May 9th, 2020. 

Peace Out,