Monday, April 27, 2020

I’m Kind of Feeling this COVID19, and No I’m Not Sick

Before I begin, my heart goes out to anyone who has been affected whether you’ve been sick or lost a family member during this crisis. I myself lost my husband during this global pandemic, therefore I too am your sister in arms when it comes to the grieving process.  However, I’ve been able to unapologetically live my grief without any remorse, hesitation, or concern myself with my inward behavior during this time. I owe the ability to sanely handle this process due to the COVID19 social distancing mandate, which has allowed me to telecommute and not have to deal with the daily work culture grind.  During my time of solace I’ve had the privilege of viewing how COVID has uncovered some misgivings about today’s society.
Pre-COVID19, I can recall many office conversations regarding a colleague’s phenomenal family whether it was about their children on the honor roll, community service, family vacation or just a regular happy weekend, hiking or biking somewhere. Especially when it came to the children there was these Proud Parent Moments (PPMs).  Here comes COVID19 and within a week that PP moment has literally turned into the other pee pee as in Pissed Off Moments.  The amount of social media postings I have viewed, literally begging cities to open up have been hysterical. The driving force of the begging is the inability with having to deal with the family dynamic. The once great kid is now a pain in the ass, and that spouse, oh boy this is where it gets good, has you now thinking WTF was I thinking of!?!?!  No longer were spouses, husbands in particular were being compared to the Barack to their Michelle.  Oh No, COVID19 took away sports and bars, what’s a man, at best what’s a wife to do. You could have sex, but after 45, and kids, it’s just not the same. The hysteria surrounding COVID has ignited a family breakdown which involves the notion of entertaining risking your precious children, and/or perfect spouse (wink wink) potentially contracting a deadly disease than stay at home, all because you’re getting on each other’s nerves!  But again Pre-COVID, it was all Leave it to Beaver!
On to the work environment, Walter Scott said it best “the tangle web we weave when we learn to deceive”. Organizations have longed scoffed at the idea of remote work. Some even said remote work reduces engagement and team collaboration.  (cough bullshit)  The real reason why they pretended remote work was sooooo bad for the culture, is one simple word TRUST. Why in the world did remote work seem so foreign?!?!?! After all we don’t even bank the same, watch TV the same, listen to music the same. But yet, we as a super power still had to report to work five days a week, 40 hours, 1 hour lunch, (2) 15 minute breaks, and had the nerve to vocally be bold if weren’t dressed appropriately.  I mean we had so many WTF moments at work, that honestly the pre COVID work culture killed more people at least on a mental level than COVID.  So, we’re hit with a global pandemic, and now everyone telecommutes. Why couldn’t we do this prior?!?! Again one word, TRUST! Companies are afraid of you stealing time which means stealing money, therefore they need to WATCH and make sure you’re working, (kind of sounds like slavery, but again that’s another conversation). As much as organizations want to tote engagement, inclusive work culture, and all that good shit, you still have HR departments governed by traditional leadership (aka the old people who need to leave, sorry to sound insensitive, but some of you know who you are) who really think that working remote was actually dishonesty coupled with theft. But, ah, here comes COVID and mostly everyone in corporate American can work remote. What I’m hearing from this exercise is, when an employee needs a work like balance, I’m being dishonest, but when you an employer needs to keep business as usual, then we’re in alternative mode and it’s OK.  In the words of Ed Lover, C’mon Son, GTFOHWTBS!!!But, I’ll say this, the work norm has definitely changed, and that MISTRUST shit ain’t going to work. Employees will be calling their employers to the table with that Aw Hell NO!, and Oh, hell yes I’ll be working from home from now on from time to time. You Mr. Employer can obviously deal with it.
My last COVID reveal is one that I think we all know but it takes global pandemic to damm near convert to a genocide.  My black/brown sisters and brothers are dying quicker than other race, why, not because we drink Crown Royal or eat fried chicken, despite what you may hear, that’s not it. The real reason is we’re considered “Essential” workers. Such a pretty word for such demeaning tasks.  We should all take into consideration the Field Slave was also considered an “Essential” worker. They had to pick that cotton in three digit temperature heat, snow, rain, hurricane, whips, etc. you name it.  Fast forward to 2020 there’s a respiratory virus that can kill you in 3 days, but you still have to go to work cause you work in the mail room and have to deliver mail to an empty office; or you’re a bus driver, people supposed to stay home but you still have to drive the bus; the best one for me is the security guards in the vacant office buildings. Look at these people, not a white face in sight.  There are so many reasons for this disparity, too much for one article, but just the magnitude should raise an eyebrow at the very least.  Is anyone concern? Can we close the corporate mailroom, mass transit, or close the building, apparently NO, cause their “Essential”. I ask essential to WHO?????  If we really care about the human race then NO ONE with the exception of the medical, police and fire department should have to defy the Stay at Home order. Do you realize these people going to work, are not only getting infected, but also the families they come home to. Global pandemic or Genocide, you decide!
Whatever your feelings are about COVID19, I hope for the sake of humanity that your conscious of respecting the well-being of your fellow man prevails.  This is one serious virus that should not be taken lightly. Listen to the medical professionals, who we need to THANK every day, and stay your ASS at home!!!!! 

Peace Out,