Last week I attended a "thinkers" seminar
on behalf of my employer. The audience consisted of mainly senior
management and some 1st line level managers. As we were segmented into
groups for various exercises I couldn't help but notice the racial
demographics. Each group of five had one black person; the total number
of participants were 29, 23 of those 29 were white and the remaining six were
black. It's obvious we don't need a rocket scientist to decipher only 20%
of the room containing management was black! Is this phenomenon new?
Absolutely not; but is it tiring, Absolutely YES!
As I worked within my group I wondered about the
other 20% and was curious did they too feel the disparity. Unfortunately
these instances aren't new, however, I often self-examine why do they exist.
We often here the term equal opportunity; if there is only 20% of
blacks in a room of management, did equal opportunity really prevail? Does the
term equal opportunity mean equal amongst blacks and not the position? Is it
equal to a certain allowable number? The methodology surrounding the equal opportunity
equation is one that leaves some serious bafflement. Unfortunately I do
not have the answer; but I do know there is a problem. Ironically the
thinker seminar was based on problem solving.
So, Corporate America here's a problem for you
"Why are so many high level positions still held primarily by
whites?" A couple of ways to solve this problem via the suggestions
of the seminar was through mind mapping. As my mind maps to this problem
here's what I came up with:
Segregated Education - Brown vs Board
fought for equal education amongst races, but not amongst financial class.
Once whites realized this they took they money and moved into all white
neighborhoods. Legally from a taxation view schools that are housed in a
district with a larger income tax distribution receive more funds, less teacher
to pupil ratio and overall a nicer place to learn, hence enhancing the desire
to learn, preventing drop out rates. Statistics show blacks/hispanics are
poorer than whites; so if this doesn't change which obviously is affecting our
education; are we doomed to always be the 20%?
Culture Differences - Black/Hispanics culture and
needs are different from whites. We do not care about hiking, camping,
what do to in the case of a bear interaction. These instances are not
part of our normal lives. Therefore, answers to questions regarding
hobbies during an interview or personal perspectives may not necessarily
attract an interviewer. Yes, I know we can work around that but quite
honestly the work around may seem inauthentic which ultimately discredits our
20% - OK who's looking for us? Who thinks we're
qualified? Are those in position considering candidates seeking us? Are they
recruiting from inner city schools? Do they look in certain minority
organizations? Where is the search coming from?
Using my newfound skills in addition to mind
mapping the problem we're also supposed to define a viable solution that can be
implemented and controlled. Based on the results of my mind mapping
exercise very little can be done. I don't mean to sound gloom; however
this is a truth. As a people; do we work 110% harder?; do we increase the
“hard work” number to 200%?; what is it that we can do to double our numbers
from 20%? The one thing we can do is provide awareness to the next
generation. 20% may not seem like a lot but it's more than 1%, it's more
than 5%, it's more than 10%! 20% is still not OK but it shows progress.
I've been in Corporate America for 25 years and I do remember when I saw
5%. Being a young woman in a new world it really didn't appeal to me, but
as I grew in ranks I began to understand the differences and applaud the
strives being met.
My advise to you coming into this corporate
world, do not become discouraged. Speak your voice, don't worry if you
don't hike or battle bears, honestly if that makes a person then this world is
more screwed up than we thought, LOL. At the end of the day you need to
be yourself, there's a reason you were chosen. Examine and embrace that reason
and keep moving forward as you battle this fight. As they say in boxing
"may the best man/woman win!" Be the best you can be. I’m sure
strives will continue and as the 20% rises you can be proud that your best
resulted in much deserved progress!
Peace Out,
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